Examiner-in-Charge School
Internal Use Only
• Use of “currently” is typically not necessary. • If referring to current numbers or ratios just leave it out of your sentence.
• Avoid use of “has” or “have” before verbs. o Both interest income and non-interest income as a percentage of average assets have declined… o The level of past due loans has decreased since… o Management has corrected all prior examination findings…
Have / Has
• Often overstated throughout. No need to reference in every CELS component write up. • Other options: • “As of the financial date…” • “Through the third quarter…”
Financial Date
• “in order to” vs. “to” • “on an annual basis” vs. “annually” • “in a timely manner” vs. “timely” or “promptly” • “in the process of” vs. “is” or “are”
General Wordiness
Internal Use Only
Management Responses • Include in the report? • Ensure accuracy • Consider obtaining in writing
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