Examiner Certification Program Handbook Updated March 2025

*Note: Volunteers shall be sought for service on appellate Committees ( i.e. , certified individuals will be asked if they would be willing to be placed on the Appellate Committee roster).

Complaints: The Committee shall receive, evaluate, and make decisions on complaints in a constructive, impartial, and timely manner that treats all parties fairly and equitably. Only personnel not previously involved in the subject of the complaint may be engaged in the complaints-handling process. The complainant must send to the Committee a written complaint and all relevant supporting documentation. The Committee shall acknowledge receipt of the complaint and if applicable, may request additional information from the complainant. The Committee will conduct a review of the complaint and all supporting documentation and reach a decision on the merits of the complaint within sixty (60) days. The Committee’s decision is final and binding on all parties involved, as are any corrective actions taken in response to the complaint.

9 Examiner Certification Program / Participant Handbook

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