Examiner Certification Program Handbook Updated March 2025
CERTIFICATION COMMITTEE CHARTER The Certification Committee of the CSBS Education Foundation (referred to in this Charter as “CSBSEF”), shall be constituted and report to the CSBSEF Board of Trustees, and shall have the following objectives, functions, and operating policies. A. OBJECTIVES The objective of the Certification Committee is to ensure that the Examiner Certification Program (referred to in this Charter as “the Program”) endeavors to meet the highest standards of a credentialing entity through rigorous oversight and regular review of and adjustment to its processes, procedures, and standards. B. FUNCTIONS The functions of the Certification Committee are as follows: 1. To specify the conditions of delegated authority to the CSBS Staff Liaison to award certification consistent with the Program requirements; 2. To develop new designations or to amend existing designations to reflect evolving examination processes and organizational structures that vary from state to state; 3. To review applicant waiver requests, and approve or deny requests based on such review; 4. To defer decisions regarding certification or recertification and to provide applicant with the necessary guidance to correct deficiencies; 5. To terminate certification for an individual who has not complied with the criteria or policies of the Program; 6. To hear appeals of decisions on deferral, denial, and/or suspension of certification or recertification, and to issue a final decision. C. OPERATING POLICIES The primary operating policies of the Certification Committee are as follows: 1. The Certification Committee shall be composed of at least five (5) and no more than nine (9) individuals who meet the following criteria: must be an employee of the banking or non-depository department of a state regulatory agency; and must be certified under the Program for a minimum of five years; 2. The Chair and Vice Chair of the Certification Committee shall be appointed by the Chairman of the CSBS Board of Directors, with advice and consent of the CSBS Board of Directors; the remaining members of the Certification Committee shall be appointed by the Chairman of the CSBSEF Board of Trustees, with advice and consent of the CSBSEF Board of Trustees. When making appointments, the Chairman of the CSBSEF Board of Trustees shall ensure appropriate geographic distribution according to the established CSBS Districts. All members of the Certification Committee may be removed, with or without cause, by action of the CSBSEF Board of Trustees; 3. The Immediate Past Chair of the Certification Committee shall serve a single one-year term;
11 Examiner Certification Program / Participant Handbook
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