Deputy Seminar, Chicago, IL

Mary Beth Quist Senior Vice President- Bank Supervision Conference of State Bank Supervisors 1129 20 th Street NW 9 th Floor Washington, DC 20036 202-728-5722

Mary Beth serves as the Senior Vice President for Bank Supervision at the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS). In this capacity, Mary Beth is responsible for bank supervisory matters and federal coordination. Current responsibilities are focused on state supervisory best practices; cybersecurity, BSA and Technology Service Provider supervision; and the modernization of Examination Tools. CSBS is a forceful advocate for the state banking system, providing the state perspective on federal regulatory policy proposals that directly affect state-chartered banks and state bank supervisors. CSBS facilitates state representation on the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), the coordinating body of state and federal regulatory agencies. We serve to coordinate among the state banking departments on supervisory related issues. We also represent state banking agencies’ needs and perspectives on technology issues, particularly the development of automated examination tools. During times of national emergencies, we serve as a critical conduit between state supervisors and the federal government, helping to ensure the continuous operation of the financial services sector. Prior to joining CSBS in January 2001, Mary Beth worked for the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond as a commissioned bank examiner. In this capacity she performed examinations of state member banks and holding companies. She served as a Federal Reserve System project manager for the development of an interagency examination tool. Mary Beth is a graduate of Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Virginia. She lives in Glen Allen, Virginia with her husband, Tim, and two sons.

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