DataPalooza 2021


LAG METRIC FUNCTION Right click in the Metric area and create a new Metric. Then in the Metric Editor window search for the Lag Function. Please find figure 21 to use as a reference. Once the Lag Function is selected, we can set the ValueList to Total Assets. Offset will be equal to 4. It is important to note – at this step if we save the function it will only be looking four cells above and pulling that data. This means it could pull from different banks. We should finetune our equation then. Next, we want to set our DefaultValue to ZeroToNull(0). This means for any 0 values found they will be entered in as a blank cell. Our last, and most important step is to Break the data up by Bank Cert. Now our function will only look four cells above in a bank cert. If that is hard to follow please find figure 22, this is a visual representation of what was just described. Now, with the function we just created drag it into the filter tab, change the display style to qualifications, and select is not null. This will remove all nulls from our visualization and make it easier to manipulate the data.

Figure 21 – Lag Metric Function

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