DataPalooza 2021
ABS To end this section, we will create the a new metric called Abs(E013 – Median E013). Recall, our latest function E013 Median Diff is just that. So, let’s take the absolute value of the diff we just calculated. Essentially, our sort will now find the largest differences from the median (positive or negative).
Figure 16 – Abs()
THRESHOLDS You can highlight metric data in a visualization by applying formatting to the visualization when data fulfills a specific condition. This formatting is called a threshold. Thresholds can make analyzing large amounts of data easier because images are easy to locate, and different colors are quickly identified. We will use thresholding to identify and large differences from E013 vs the Median. To do so right click on the newly created absolute function and select Threshold. Once in the Threshold menu you can change the colors, create new threshold levels and change the desired value. Once you have the settings to your liking select Apply and then OK. Now you will be able to visually see the differences.
Figure 17 – Threshold Menu
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