DBCF Virtual Symposium
Rhoshunda Cork Kelly Interim Commissioner Mississippi Department of Banking and Consumer Finance
Rhoshunda Kelly is the Interim Commissioner for the Mississippi Department of Banking and Consumer Finance. She has over 19 years of regulatory experience and began her career with the Department as a Bank Examiner Trainee. As field examiner, Kelly served as examiner-in-charge and relationship manager of community banks, a subject matter expert in information technology and a trust examiner. Prior to her appointment to Interim Commissioner, Kelly served as Deputy Commissioner, responsible for supervisory oversight of bank and nonbank activities (including mortgage and consumer finance industries), the implementation of new legislation/regulation, effective coordination of examination policies and practices between the state and federal regulators and review of all merger, acquisition and de novo activity. Kelly served as the Director of Bank Supervision where she was responsible for the daily operations of the Banking Division and supervisory and examination processes for all Mississippi state-chartered banks and credit unions. Rhoshunda received her undergraduate degree in Business with a concentration in Banking and Finance from Mississippi State University and is a graduate of the School of Banking at Louisiana State University. She is also an honor graduate of American Bankers Association Graduate Trust School. Kelly is a Certified Public Manager and a Certified Examinations Manager. Kelly is active in the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS), serving on the CSBS Board of Directors, State Supervisory Processes Committee, Non-Depository Supervisory Committee, Past-Chair of the Performance Standards Committee, and the Finance, Compensation and Benefits Committee.
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