Cyber & IT Supervisory Forum - November 2023

William Henley William Henley is the Associate Director for the FDIC’s Information Technology Supervision Branch. In this role William oversees the FDIC’s IT Supervision policy development and IT examination program. Also, William is the current chair of the FFIEC’s IT Subcommittee of the Task Force on Supervision. Prior to returning to the FDIC, William served as the Senior Vice President for Regulation of BITS, the technology policy division of the former Financial Services Roundtable (now known as BPI), where he managed relationships with the regulatory agencies and engaged experts from financial institutions on information security, operational risk, vendor management, fraud risk, and business continuity planning. Prior to joining BITS in July 2010, William spent over 20 years as a financial institution regulator, including service as the Director of IT Examinations for the Office of Thrift Supervision. William is a 1989 graduate of the Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in International Business, and minors in Economics and French. In 2002, William successfully completed the Graduate School of Bank Operations and Technology, at the Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee.

Phillip Hinkle Phillip Hinkle is the Director ‐ IT Security Examinations with the Texas Department of Banking. Phillip oversees the IT examination function of approximately 275 banks, trust companies and non ‐ depository entities chartered and licensed by the state of Texas. He has held a variety of IT certifications and received the FBI’s Service Award from FBI Director Robert Mueller. He led the formation of the Texas Bankers Electronic Crimes Task with the US Secret Service. The task force has undertaken a number of initiatives including the national Executive Leadership of Cybersecurity initiative called ELOC (pronounced E ‐ Lock) and most recently the development of a Ransomware Self ‐ Assessment Tool (pronounced R ‐ SAT). He is a member of the FFIEC’s Cybersecurity Working Group, which developed the FFIEC’s Cybersecurity Assessment Tool (CAT) that was distributed to the banking industry.

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