Cyber & IT Supervisory Forum - November 2023
Internal Use Only
Supervisory S trengths
What are the strengths of IT and cybersecurity supervision in your state?
What are the strengths of IT and cybersecurity supervision in the state system as a whole?
Can you share an example of a particularly successful exam? What happened and why was it a success?
Instructions • Answer one question as a table; Two if there is time • Someone should be prepared to provide a summary to the group • Table Discussion: 10 minutes; Summary Report: 3 minutes
Internal Use Only
Supervisory W eaknesses
What are the main challenges you face in conducting effective IT and cybersecurity exams of nonbank entities?
Are there specific areas or processes within your exams that you feel might benefit from improvement?
Can you pinpoint any recurring issues or patterns?
Instructions • Answer one question as a table; Two if there is time • Someone should be prepared to provide a summary to the group • Table Discussion: 10 minutes; Summary Report: 3 minutes
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