Cyber & IT Supervisory Forum - November 2023

Steps Towards Achieving Operational Resilience

Risk Assessment

Conduct comprehensive risk assessments to identify vulnerabilities across all operational areas. Perform a business impact analysis (BIA) to determine critical functions and prioritize resources. Develop a resilience plan that includes prevention, response, recovery, and adaptation strategies. Embed cybersecurity best practices into daily operations, ensuring continuous monitoring and real-time defense. Regularly test and exercise the resilience plan to evaluate its effectiveness and update it based on lessons learned. Ensure clear communication lines with internal and external stakeholders for coordinated resilience efforts

Business Impact Analysis

Resilience Planning

Cybersecurity Integration Testing and Exercises Stakeholder Engagement


Benefits of a Resilient Operational Model

Reduced Downtime

•A resilient model minimizes operational disruptions, leading to decreased downtime and associated costs.

Regulatory Compliance

•Compliance with industry regulations is naturally improved by a focus on resilience.

Customer Confidence

•Customers trust organizations that demonstrate a commitment to operational continuity and security.

Competitive Advantage

•In an era of uncertainty, resilience becomes a key differentiator in the market.

Strategic Growth

•Organizations with resilient operations are better positioned to handle crises and seize opportunities for growth


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