Cyber & IT Supervisory Forum - November 2023

Internal Use Only

Who are the State Representatives involved with this effort? Executive Committee • Chris Dietz (IN) • Mary Beth Quist (CSBS) Product Oversight Committee (POC) • Jay Voigt (TX) • Jami Van Huet (CSBS) Product Advisory Group (PAG)

Oversight of this effort for the states will be led by the CSBS State Supervisory Processes Committee (SSPC)

State Examiner Review Team (SERT) will be involved assisting with requirements and testing

• Zach Ball (MI) • Mike Valle (OH) • Mike Goffredo (PA) • Hannah Thames (MS) • Jay Voigt (TX) • Jami Van Huet (CSBS)


Confidential – For Interagency Use Only

Internal Use Only

Product Management

Product Management is involved at every stage of the product lifecycle– from establishing a vision to coordinating legacy product retirements and transitions.

Work with leaders to establish vision, strategy, and outcomes. Develop epic level roadmap to be refined with POC/PAG.

Frequently demo development progress to receive and respond to real time feedback.

Coordinate and facilitate training plans. Work with business on communication to impacted users.

Monitor product performance. Work with business/users to identify and address enhancements.

Design and Plan to Reach Desired Outcomes

Legacy Product Retirement Planning


Coordinate with legacy product owners on transition to new product. Assist business with transition planning in relation to business process timing.

Work with business/users to understand needs and refine/prioritize roadmap. Interact with development on possibilities.

Work with legacy product owners and technical teams to plan for any needed data and document migration, timing, etc.

Iterative Development with Frequent Feedback

Vision and Strategy

Training and Communication




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