Cyber & IT Supervisory Forum - Additional Resources


Some companies may offer added or alternate choices depending on their technology (such as resetting an advertising ID or turning off the associated service). You should always contact the provider of the opt-out mechanism if you experience any issues or have questions about its functionality. By design, it is easy to inadvertently consent to having your data collected and sold to advertisers from Connected TVs and Over-The-Top devices. While most of us have these devices in our homes, only a minority of us know how to deactivate many of these features should we choose. It should also be noted that most companies will apply privacy preference to digital advertising data collection and use practices for the device on which the preference is expressed, but not for data collection and use on any added devices. Privacy settings for web browsers on CTVs or OTTs are typically independent from the privacy preferences described on this page. To learn more about expressing your privacy preferences in a web browser, please visit the NAI’s opt -out page. 616

26.2.1 Amazon Fire TV

Settings -> Preferences -> Privacy Settings -> Interest-based Ads -> Off

26.2.2 Apple TV

Settings -> General -> Privacy -> Limit Ad Tracking -> On Pre-2015 Apple TV

General -> Send Data to Apple -> No

If you are using Family Sharing the organizer of the group must allow other members to make modifications:

Settings > General > Restrictions > Advertising > Allow modifications


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