Cyber & IT Supervisory Forum - Additional Resources


Allowing the robot to capture images is completely up to the user. Images captured by user’s robots are encrypted and stored such that they are only viewable by the user or others with access to a user’s iRobot account through the iRobot mobile app. iRobot cannot view or access a user’s images unless they are contributed to the image database. If a user’s im ages are not contributed, then their encrypted images are automatically removed from iRobot’s servers after 30 days.

 A user can change their preferences at any time by going to “Robot Settings” at the bottom of the home screen and selecting “Mapping Fe atures"  In this section, the "Obstacle Image Review" toggle will allow a user to turn the feature on or off.

It should be noted that should a user choose to opt-out of " Obstacle Image Review ," your robot will still be able to avoid obstacles with its detection capabilities. However, you will not be able to supply feedback to change your robot’s behavior for future jobs.


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