Cyber & IT Supervisory Forum - Additional Resources

MAP 2.3 Scientific integrity and TEVV considerations are identified and documented, including those related to experimental design, data collection and selection (e.g., availability, representativeness, suitability), system trustworthiness, and construct validation. About Standard testing and evaluation protocols provide a basis to confirm assurance in a system that it is operating as designed and claimed. AI systems’ complexities create challenges for traditional testing and evaluation methodologies, which tend to be designed for static or isolated system performance. Opportunities for risk continue well beyond design and deployment, into system operation and application of system-enabled decisions. Testing and evaluation methodologies and metrics therefore address a continuum of activities. TEVV is enhanced when key metrics for performance, safety, and reliability are interpreted in a socio-technical context and not confined to the boundaries of the AI system pipeline. Other challenges for managing AI risks relate to dependence on large scale datasets, which can impact data quality and validity concerns. The difficulty of finding the “right” data may lead AI actors to select datasets based more on accessibility and availability than on suitability for operationalizing the phenomenon that the AI system intends to support or inform. Such decisions could contribute to an environment where the data used in processes is not fully representative of the populations or phenomena that are being modeled, introducing downstream risks. Practices such as dataset reuse may also lead to disconnect from the social contexts and time periods of their creation. This contributes to issues of validity of the underlying dataset for providing proxies, measures, or predictors within the model. Suggested Actions Identify and document experiment design and statistical techniques that are valid for testing complex socio-technical systems like AI, which involve human factors, emergent properties, and dynamic context(s) of use.


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