Cyber & IT Supervisory Forum - Additional Resources

A multilayer framework for good cybersecurity practices for AI June 2023

• Human capital. Collaboration with universities is well recognised, as is the need for security of AI at all levels of education, although security of AI topics is so far handled essentially at AI courses. • From the lab to the market. Regarding awareness campaigns and guidance, it is worth mentioning that one MS mentioned a label for digitally responsible businesses to cover both cybersecurity, privacy and trustworthy AI, and another mentioned a report with self-assessment guidance for AI/ML risk over the life cycle. • Networking. One MS is establishing a national committee for AI ethics and reliability, while another MS maintains an AI systems registry, containing the measures taken by enterprises to ensure the safe usage and operation of their AI systems.

Figure 17: Distribution of answers related to each policy area

It is also worth mentioning the collaboration that already exists among MS under the initiative of the Competent Authorities on AI working group, where topics such as the supervision of AI and the foreseen roles of competent authorities are being discussed and analysed.


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