Credit Evaluation School - June 2022

Important tax dates to remember

• April 15 — Individuals Filea income tax return (Form 1040) andpay any tax due. If youwant an automatic extension of time to file the return , file Form 4868, Application forAutomatic Extension ofTimeTo File U.S. Individual IncomeTaxReturn. • April 15 —Corporations File a calendar year income tax return (Form 1120) andpay any tax due. • September 15 —S Corporations File a 2020 calendar year income tax return (Form 1120S) andpay any tax due. This due date applies only if you timely requested an automatic extension • September 15 — Partnerships File a 2020 calendar year return (Form 1065). This due date applies only if youwere given an additional extension • October 15 — Individuals If you have an automatic extension to file your income tax return for 2020, file Form 1040 andpay any tax, interest, andpenalties due • Individuals with pass through income do not file their taxes until October 15 th .

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