CMS Case Study
Summary of Potential Strategies - 9/30/2020
1. Deposit/Funding Strategies :
Discuss @ ALCO.
Discuss @ ALCO.
Importance of fully vetting deposit elasticity/inelasticity and related further reductions in deposit rates across the board (where practical). Discuss expectations for deposits and liquidity forecasting given variable: - PPP loan forgiveness and deposit disbursements. - D eposit “surge” expectations (how long last?) See Depoists360°® COVID Surge analysis. Outlook for deposit activity for remainder of year? vs. net loan growth? - Impact of stimulus/shift in consumer sentiment. - Are we at floor for NMDs? - Update on Citizens Prime pricing. - Review deposit fees/service charges considering current market (interchange and overdraft fee income temporarily or permanently impacted?) and vs. competition. - Long term CD rates are rich. Review quarterly deposit trends. -
Reduced asset sensitivity.
Wholesale Funding -
Discuss potential funding needs and IRR management. - Revisit Derivatives as funds/risk management tool. - FHLB, Brokered, other.
Cloyd Bank & Trust - Page 37
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