Bank Analysis School eBook
Impact of Asset Quality Issues
Diminished earnings and capital Increased provisions and legal/collection expenses. Non-earning assets (e.g. non-accrual loans, OREO).
Reduced borrowing capacity Removal of problem assets from collateral pool. Increased collateral “hair cuts”. Elimination of borrowing lines.
FHLB Borrowing Example
Falling Below Well Capitalized Impacts Liquidity
Deposit Rate caps (1) average national rate + 75bps, or (2) for maturity deposits 120% of current treasury yield on similar maturity, and non-maturity at Fed Funds rate + 75bps
Brokered deposits restricted Banks may not accept or renew brokered deposits – no waivers.
(Part 337.6 & 337.7 FDIC Rules and Regulations)
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