BSA/AML Student Exercises Dec. 2022
Transaction Testing Checklist 7.4: CTR Exemptions
Initial Exemption Date
Exempt Customer Name
Review Date
1 XXXX (Phase I)
04/27/2015 04/27/2015
11/03/2008 10/24/2008
XXXX (Phase I)
All Exemptions
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For the exempted customer, has the financial institution e-filed a designated exempt person form within 30 days of the first exempted transaction? 31 CFR 1020.315(c)
Did the institution:
Confirm that the customer met the requirements of the exemption?
Document the basis for its conclusions to the same extent as it would to protect itself from loan or other fraud or loss based on misidentification of a person's status? 31 CFR 1020.315(0
Y ,,
Does the customer appear in FinCEN's records as exempted by the institution?
Comments: *BBC is unable to determine how exempted records appear in the FinCEN Database.
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