Accreditation Handbook for State Agencies

II. Profile/Annual Review Online Platform The Accreditation Annual Review is a component of the Profile of State Regulatory Agencies (Profile) Platform. The new Profile Platform will allow state regulatory agencies to review and update agency specific data, accumulate state data and provide enhanced reporting and analysis capabilities. In addition, accredited state agencies will be able to track their accreditation recommendations between their five-year reviews and provide annual updates as required by the accreditation program and the Performance Standards Committee. Below is an example of the dashboard each state will have access to in the system to track their progress on recommendations and provide updates for the annual review.

If you are an accreditation user for your agency and need access to the Profile/Accreditation Annual Review Platform, please email The Accreditation Annual Review Platform User Manual can be found here. Annual Review Process CSBS Staff will send an email to all accredited state agencies stating that the Accreditation Annual Review reporting window is open. The Bank Supervision, Mortgage, and MSB Sections (if applicable) of the Profile are also required to be completed for the Annual Review. III.


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