2024 Instructor Training Workshop

Instructor Training Workshop

January 23-25 , 2024 L ong Beach, CA

@ www.csbs.org ♦ @csbsnews

CONFERENCE OF STATE BANK SUPERVISORS 1300 I Street NW / Suite 700 / Washington, DC 20005 / (202) 296-2840

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CSBS and L&D Update

Sebastien Monnet & Wanda Bell Tuesday, January 22, 2024


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2023 Recap & 2024 Outlook

CSBS Learning and Development Technical Learning & Development

L&D Trends


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People – CSBS Executive Committee


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People – CSBS Education Foundation


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People – CSBS Education Foundation


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People – New CSBS President & CEO

Brandon Milhorn

Native of Tennessee B.S. in Economics - East Tennessee State University (1994) J.D. – Cornell Law School (1997) • Deputy to FDIC Vice Chair Travis Hill • COO, Chief of Staff, and Deputy to FDIC Chair Jelena McWilliams • 7 years in the private sector with Raytheon • 10+ years as counsel to the U.S. Senate’s Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Committee on Intelligence, the CIA, and two prominent U.S. Court clerkships


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People - L&D Team Other changes within the L&D team include:

• Bridget Plitt – from SVP of L&D to SVP of Org Dev • Alyce Jones – Manager, Learning Management System • Jennifer Jarmin – Senior Director, Meeting Services • Ghazal Azizzada – Program Manager, Meeting Services • TBD - Program Coordinator, Meeting Services


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2023 Recap & 2024 Outlook

CSBS Learning and Development Technical Learning & Development

L&D Trends


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2023 Recap – Facts & Figures

• 46 regulatory training programs, with 1,450+ attendees from 50 states and 2 territories, in addition to the NMLS Annual Conference & Training with 618 additional attendees from 60+ state agencies. • 21 examiner schools (both live virtual and in person) • 22 continuing education programs (both live virtual and in person) • 4 executive education programs (in person)


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2024 Outlook

• 40 programs currently scheduled.

• 25 examiner schools (both live virtual and in person) • 11 continuing education programs (both live virtual and in person) • 4 executive education programs (in person)


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2024 Outlook – Additional Plans • Third-party providers to offer specialized training on: • Enterprise Risk Management • Model Risk Management • Advanced Cash Flow Analysis • Introduction to Large Bank Examinations school • Design and development starting in Q1 • Delivery projected in Q3


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2024 Outlook – Strategic Plan / OGSM


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2023 Recap & 2024 Outlook

CSBS Learning and Development Technical Learning & Development

L&D Trends


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Purpose, Mission, Vision





Protect and advance the nation’s dual banking system.

CBS supports state regulators in advancing the system of state financial supervision by ensuring safety, soundness, and consumer protection; promoting economic growth; and fostering innovative, responsive supervision. Strategically empower the state regulatory system through innovative and effective learning, collaboration, and communication. Empower the state regulatory system by providing superb learning and development solutions that advance networked supervision and inspire exceptional workforce performance.

The vision of CSBS is to be the recognized leader advancing the quality and effectiveness of regulation and supervision of state banking and financial services.

Strategic Engagement Business Unit

Support the development, engagement, and communications to advance and engage our staff and members.

To be the catalyst that maximizes the value that CSBS provides to and on behalf of our members.

Learning & Development

Advance all CSBS stakeholders, members, and staff through meaningful learning and development solutions.

CSBS is the most valued strategic partner for driving workforce learning and development for all members and stakeholders.


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Technical Learning & Development Team

SVP of Learning

Wanda Bell VP Technical L&D

Sebastien Monnet VP L&D

Erik Korner-White Director L&D

Amber Brace Director L&D

Reece Chekan Sr. Director L&D

Jennifer Pic Director L&D

Amy Richardson Sr. Director L&D

Holly Castellow Sr. eLearning Specialist

Shannon Smith Senior Trainer

Shireen Lakhani Sr. Technical Trainer

Katie Hoyle Director L&D

Glenn Emerson Sr. Information Architect

Bobbie Culpeper Senior Trainer

Alyce Jones Manager, LMS


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L&D Competencies Across the CSBS L&D Team • Program Management • Program Design

• Project Management • Instructional Design • Instructional Development • Learning Technology Specialists • Technical Training Specialists • Content Architecture • Technical Writing • Facilitation


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Technical L&D - Key Responsibilities

NMLS SES Call Center Agent Training Systems Training and User Support NMLS Resource Centers SES Customer Portal* Call Center Knowledge Articles User Support Content

System Management & Maintenance

Curriculum Management and Maintenance

LMS (FLEX) Training Support Requests (TSR)

NMLS SES Call Center Day One update support

SharePoint AppSpace FMS (Financial Management System) Internal Staff Training

Content Strategy*

NMLS Resource Centers CSBS Internal Content Management and Maintenance


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CSBS Learning & Development Projects • Day One Mortgage Curriculum Update • L&D Professional Development team led. (Amy) • L&D Technical L&D team members providing instructional design and development support. (Shannon, Amber, Jennifer) • SES Training for MSB Examiners • L&D Professional Development team (Amy) and Technical L&D (Shireen) partnered to develop and deliver this examiner program in 2023. • Service Now (SNOW) Case Management • SNOW cases represent customer service requests and come to us through our call center and our LMSadmin@csbs.org email box. • Erik, Alyce, Amy, and Katie handle the bulk of the work with SNOW and the LMS.


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2023 Recap & 2024 Outlook

CSBS Learning and Development Technical Learning & Development

L&D Trends


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L&D Trends


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Content Development & Oversight Committee (CDOC) Update Chris Romano & Amy Richardson


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CDOC Update

CDOC Members

What is CDOC?

CDOC & Examiner Schools

2023 Activities


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CDOC Members • Chris Romano (MT), Chair* • Jennifer DeWitt (MA) • Emily Frazier (NC) • Patrick Land (IN), Past Chair* • Becky Strother (IA)

* CDOC members who are also instructors


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What is CDOC?

Committee of the CSBSEF Board of Trustees




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CDOC's Role Connection between instructors and the CSBS Education Foundation Board of Trustees


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Examiner Schools

Effective Meetings with Management

Bank Analysis


Capital Markets

Credit Evaluation

Examiner-in Charge

Information Technology

Intro to Becoming an MMC EIC

Intro to Mortgage Origination Exams

Problem Bank

Intro to Mortgage Servicing Exams

SES Training for MSB Examiners*



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Examiner School Instructors by State

46 Instructors from 20 States


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Examiner School Instructors


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2023 Activities

Look backs & look forwards

Examiner Training Updates

CSBS Strategic Plan & OGSM


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Step 1: Analysis of Training Needs & Scheduling

Step 2: Design & Implementation

Step 3: Evaluation

Step 4: Updates and Improvements


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• Conduct Needs Assessment • Ad Hoc Requests Step 1: Analysis of Training Needs & Scheduling Analysis of Training Needs • Gather instructor availability • Virtual: Scheduling

• Send calendar invites to instructors with Zoom links

• In-Person:

• Send possible dates/locations to Meeting Services Team • Draft RFP and send to contacts • Compile responses • Choose best option based on price, location, etc. • Receive contract from hotel


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Registration Set-up

Fill out registration information form 1

Create registration site in Cvent 2

Send for review/ approvals 3

Launch registration sites 4

Send email to waitlist/ training contacts 5



Step 1: Analysis of Training Needs & Scheduling

Step 2: Design & Implementation

Step 3: Evaluation

Step 4: Updates and Improvements


Step 2: Design & Implementation • Periodic meetings • Project plans, timelines, meeting recaps, etc. • Develop course description, learning objectives, and agenda • Create presentations and talking points • Compile examples, resources, job aids, etc. • Assist with engagement elements, exercises, or case studies Content Development Group (SMEs)


Step 2: Design & Implementation Check-in Meetings Preparation Facilitation

Follow Up

• Scheduling polls • Reminders • Calendar invites • Meetings • Recaps

• Welcome emails • Pre-course • Packing list/ Zoom link • Compile materials • KBYG/ reminder email • Reservations

• Room set up/ tech checks • Assist with technology • Share screen • Breakout rooms • Icebreakers/ group activities

• Thank you emails • Prizes

• Certificates • Assessment

results/meeting or comment feedback



Step 1: Analysis of Training Needs & Scheduling

Step 2: Design & Implementation

Step 3: Evaluation

Step 4: Updates and Improvements


Step 3: Evaluation

Include feedback reports in CDOC meeting materials

Send survey email to all attendees

Compile responses in a feedback report

Send feedback report to instructors

Create survey in Cvent

Send for review/approval



Step 1: Analysis of Training Needs & Scheduling

Step 2: Design & Implementation

Step 3: Evaluation

Step 4: Updates and Improvements


Step 4: Updates and Improvements


Survey Results





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Instructor Training Workshop Course Review & Development


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Course Review & Development 1. Review 2023 survey reports 2. Assign someone to take notes in the template provided

3. Discuss changes or updates 4. Consult CSBS staff as needed 5. Send completed template via email Katie & Amy, copying all instructors, before leaving Thursday


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