2021 Strategic Planning Conference

Connecting ADKAR to Networked Supervision

How high is your/your agency AWARENESS of the need to change to meet this objective?

How great is your/your agency DESIRE to support, participate and engage?

Do you/your agency have the right level of KNOWLEDGE to implement networked supervision?

How strong is your/your agency ABILITY to demonstrate the necessary skills and behaviors of networked supervision?

What kind of REINFORCEMENT do you need to commit and embrace this change?

How can we apply what we just heard about change leadership to network supervision? How can you/will you lead these changes in your agency? How can CSBS support?

Additional Resources

Broad Change Management Topics: Change Management Articles | Prosci Change Management Free Downloads | Prosci

Sponsor Role: Primary Sponsor's Role and Importance (prosci.com) Change Leaders, Do You Have Authority on Your Side? (prosci.com)

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