2021 Cyber and Technology Risk Management Forum

Confidential– ForInteragencyUseOnly

Interagency Technology

“How can we reduce regulatory burden?”

“How can we improve examination processes and simplify the technology landscape?” “How can we improve data accessibility,sharing, and transparency?”

Business Case for a Shared Solution

Shared Interagency Objectives

“How can we improve interagency collaboration?”

“How can we reduce IT costs?”


Confidential– ForInteragencyUseOnly

Interagency Magic Quadrant: Commonality vs. Value

Assessing Business Value  Where would shared technology relieve regulatory burden for supervised organizations and make it easier to work with other agencies on joint events?  Where would shared technology improve the efficiency and effectiveness of processes for supervisory staff?  Where would shared

All Other Processes

technology provide the greatest value for the largest number of stakeholders?

Assessing Commonality  Hypothesis – CBO S&S supervision across the Fed, FDIC, and States is similar for 80% of business processes. Interagency efforts get bogged down in the 20% in differences.  The team evaluated Processes, Activities and Steps across S&S supervision to look for commonalities. Conclusion: Basic business processes across CBO supervision are fundamentally similar.  WHAT we do is common, but HOW we do it is different.


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